未亡人奴* 水沢のの

「私は…生きていては…いけない人なのです…。」 夫が亡くなった原因が自分にあると思い込み、自らを責める未亡人妻。不慮の事故で兄を失った義弟は遣る瀬無い心の痛みを彼女にぶつけ、激しく罰する。不自由なく順風満帆に結婚生活を送るはずだった若妻は自暴自棄からか、心の拠り所を求め、かつての恩師にすがってしまう…。"I am a person who… should not be alive…" A widowed wife believes that she is the cause of her husband's death and blames herself. Her brother-in-law、 punishes her severely for his uncontrollable heartache. Out of desperation、 the young wife、 who was supposed to have a normal married life、 turns to her former teacher for emotional support…
配信日  2022/11/23
出演者  水沢のの